Reach a wider audience by distributing your job openings across multiple job boards and platforms simultaneously, with a single click. Access thousands of free and premium job boards from Job Target for maximum exposure.
Our recruitment software enables employers to manage and monitor job advertisements in one central location, making it easier to track the performance of their recruitment efforts
and make data-driven decisions to optimize their hiring strategy.
HireOnboard is expanding its radius with this integration as it’ll enable our clients to sponsor their job listings on over 25000 job sites. Its network includes general, niche, diversity, and industry-specific job sites to fit all your hiring needs.
HireOnboard has now developed a new three-in-one Create Job option, an amalgamation of – Quick Post, Create Job and Create Requisition. Reach a wider audience by distributing your job openings across multiple job boards and varied platforms simultaneously, with a single click.
Your team expects great candidates. HireOnoboard helps you find them.
Ready-to-use job description templates streamline your hiring process
Get a demo of HireOnboard, from one of our product experts and start building winning teams.